Iconic Imprints of Paris

Documentary Street Photography by Rolf Kjolseth

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Photographs > Paris - Images from 1990 to present - © 2005 > People
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Chivalry at the GateChivalry lives! A pretty girl receives special attention as she leaves the Musee des Arts et Metiers at closing time.
Gare du Nord.jpg
Gare du NordDiffering forms of modernity can mix beautifully as this lady waits by the TGV (Train de Gran Vitesse) at the Gare du Nord.
Au Lapin Agile.jpg
Au Lapin AgileAn elderly man waiting to cross at the corner of the famous cabaret 'Au Lapin Agile." 1996.
Above Shop.jpg
Above ShopShop owners often live right upstairs. Passage Vero Dodat.
2 Fashions.jpg
2 FashionsTraditional African dress passes tight, short skirt. Laisser faire, laisser aller. C'est Paris.
GenerationsAll the generations enjoy mixing in lovely parks like Monceau.
Mother & Son.jpg
Mother & SonOn the Weekends, one finds many middle aged "children" bringing a parent to enjoy the park's open air, beautiful plants and activities. Parc Buttes Chaumont.
Black Beauty.jpg
Black BeautyModern, stylish, beautiful.
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